Other areas

Law Firm Zidar Klemenčič has extensive experience in representing clients in civil proceedings in the field of civil law obligations, property, real estate, etc. Our approach is finding practical and efficent solutions for the clients’ problems. We also specialize in the management of complex legal cases that involve a larger number of parties. When agreed with the clients we attemp alternative dispute resolution in order to reduce the clients’ costs, but at the same time ensure effective protection of our clients' interests.

Labour law and social security law are key to economic development and the effective operation of companies. In order to deal with the risks arising from changes in the labor and social legislation, as well as the correct interpretation of the relevant regulations, we advice clients and keep them up to date as well as anticipate the potential effects of the legislative or jurisprudential changes and their impact on the operations of the companies.

The criminal law is one of the key legal instruments that the country made available for the exercise of its fundamental functions and adherance to law. However, it is necessary to focus great attention to the legitimate course of criminal proceedings, where there is always a possibility of abuse of the powers of the state over the individual. The legal staff of the law firm Zidar Klemenčič are professionally trained to provide advice and representation at all stages of criminal proceedings, i., pre-trial proceedings, during the course of investigation, as well as at the trial and in the appeal proceedings. Our knowledge and experience cover all aspects of criminal proceedings, from issues of human rights breaches (such as legality of detention, covert investigative measures, the rights of defense, etc.) to preaparting an effective defence. We also offer assistance and representation in private prosecution.

Insolvency law, as a special part of commercial law, is concerned with relations between the debtor and the creditor after the debtor has become permanently illiquid or is in a state of long-term insolvency. The experts from the Law Firm Zidar Klemenčič offer their clients representation in proceedings involving civil bankruptcy, bankruptcy of legal persons, compulsory composition and simplified compulsory composition or compulsory dissolution. As attorneys for creditors or debtors, we endeavour to protect their full interests at all stages of insolvency proceedings, be it during preliminary or main proceedings.

The law firm Zidar Klemenčič offers help, advice and representation in administrative proceedings, including by preparing and filing requests for various permits and licencies.


Numerous domestic and foreign clients entrust us their legal challenges and the representation of their legal interests in the fields of:

  • Banking
  • Trade
  • Energetics
  • Environmental protection
  • Media
  • IT branch
  • Real estate development and development of major construction projects
  • Insurance
  • and many others